Thursday 19 March 2015

Air Filters Suitable For Your Home

Air filters are becoming common in every household with the increase in air pollution everywhere around the globe. However, sometimes there are some air filters which cause problems instead of resolving them. Some air cleaners emit toxic gases which can impair your memory, damage your lungs and respiratory system, and also cause cardiac diseases. 

In such cases it is a dilemma to understand which air cleaner would suit your needs and your home. But, now you do not have to worry. All you have to do is take care of these few things when you are about to buy a purifier and you will be in safe hands.

So let us go ahead and check the characteristics that will bring out the best in the money that you invest in buying an air cleaner.

Check for certification
Air cleaners are supposed to be certified and approved by the Association of Home Appliance Manufacturers also known as AHAM in short. These certified air cleaners are then rated between a range of 0- 450 according to the Clean Air Delivery Rate (CADR) , which indicates the cleaner’s capacity to clean contaminants. The better the rating, the better the cleaner. This is something to look out for.

Check for ozone
Ionized air cleaners that use electrically charged plates known as electrostatic precipitators usually emit ozone gas which can cause irritation to the lungs and respiratory organs. Hence, it is better not to purchase these air purifiers.

Check HEPA
HEPA air filters or High Efficiency Particulate Air filters are highly effective for cleaning the air of dust particles, pollens, smoke and other contaminants. These cleaners do not emit ozone and use a filter which needs to be replaced every once in a year.

Check for size
You need to know the size of the air filter which will fit the room in which you intend to keep it. Just carry along with you the dimensions of the room where you want the air filter kept and match it to the AHAM certification on the appliance which gives the room size which matches the air filter. 

Check for efficiency
Air filters are meant to be kept running. Hence they need to be durable and efficient to work for a longer period of time and to be able to clean more dust and dirt in the air. An air cleaner’s certification from AHAM will determine the same.

Thursday 12 March 2015

How Safe Are Your Air Cleaners

Someone, somewhere around the world might be having a running nose and they decide to stay home so that they can feel better. Instead the person usually ends up being sicker. On the other hand, there are times when we are in a similar situation, but instead we prefer to go out and carry on with the day’s work; in this case we actually end up feeling better than what we had been feeling during the early hours of the day. 

Confusing, isn’t it? It surely was for me too when I discovered that this is how my body, my friends’ bodies, as well as my mom’s body responded when they had fallen ill too.Researchers have found out that the air inside our homes is 5 times more polluted than the air outdoors. Moreover, when we are ill and stay home, we do nothing more, but add more contaminants into the atmosphere around us. One of the reasons why the air in our homes is more contaminated is first because it is a closed space. The second reason is lack of ventilation for all the fumes, smoke, dust and other unseen particles floating in the air that we breathe. 
During the present day, this threat of air indoor pollution has increased even more with the growth of outdoor pollution. With this increase has come up the installation of air cleaners in many households around the globe. Again, the question here is- “Are air purifiers safe enough to breathe healthy?” The question is not incorrect at all. After all, it is always better to be safe than sorry. 
Air Purifiers are supposed to be safe because that is what they made to do; to help us breathe in healthier and cleaner air. However, there is a generation of air purifiers which can cause health hazards in the long run. These air purifiers are known as ozone- generating purifiers, created due to their electric charge, which can be responsible for creating indoor smog with high levels of toxins.Ozone emitted from air purifiers are extremely harmful and are known to cause premature deaths, pain in the chest and shortness of breath, blocked nostrils, allergies and cough.  If you are an asthma patient, then extra care should be taken in purchasing an air cleaner because ozone will only worsen it further.The most recommended generation of air purifiers are the ones which use HEPA also known as high-efficiency particulate air filters. HEPA air purifiers do not emit ozone gas, are safe and efficient. The air filters are replaceable and need to be change every once in a year. Now you know how safe or unsafe you air purifier is. So, if you own an ionizing air purifier which uses electric charge, change it to a HEPA air cleaner as soon as possible and live the healthy life that you deserve.

5 Tips To Choose The Best Air Purifier

Air pollution is becoming a persistent problem in the present day in most countries around the world. People everywhere are not only struggling to breathe freely outdoors, but in their own homes as well. Though it is a fact that the air outdoors is lethal, even the cleanest houses too are contaminated with dust, smoke, pet hair and even fumes. If we analyze the matter carefully, the danger of suffocating indoors is more as it is a smaller closed space than outside having the same contaminants. 

We cannot do much about the pollution outdoors but when the question is related to our homes, we can surely come up with a solution. In the present day the solution to clearing up the air indoors is to purchase a durable and affordable air cleaner. However, how can we know what is best? Well that is not a problem, because her are five tips which will help you buy the best air cleaner to fit your pocket and your needs.
Good Research goes a long way
This is always the initial stage prior to purchasing anything. Research as much as you can. What make do you want?  Which budget fits your pocket? What is the size of the air purifier? Do the filters need to be changed, and after how long? How durable is it? And, how much electricity does it consume? These are some of the questions that would be running in your mind. So go ahead clear your doubts instead of getting something which could end up being a burden to you at a later date.

Labeled and certified
The Association of Home Appliance Manufacturers (AHAM) tests and rates all air cleaners based on the Clean Air Delivery Rate (CADR), numbers ranging from 0 to 450 which determines how fast a cleaner can filter the contaminants out of the air. AHAM also provides you with the room size that an air cleaner can fit into which helps you decide if the cleaner is right for your home. 

Say no to “Ozone”
Many air cleaners in the market make use of electrostatic precipitators which are electrically charged plates that produce some amount of ozone. It is always advisable to avoid these air cleaners as the ozone released by them cause irritation to the lungs. 

HEPA air cleaners are the most effective when it comes to cleaning up the air of dust and other irritants. These air cleaners use highly efficient particulate air filters which need to be changed once in a year. The best thing about theses air cleaners is- they do not emit ozone in the air.

Energy efficient or not?
Some air purifiers consume a lot of electricity. So it always better to see if the device has been rated energy efficient or not. We would not want our bills to soar high to the sky after all.